Animation Director

Staring: Kotora Mitani
Additional Skaters: Hiroki Muraoka, Momoiji Nishiya, Laurence Keefe, Shin Sanbongi, Kento Yoshioka
Director & Editor: Shinpei Ueno
Producer: Laurence Keefe
Board Sponsors: Tightbooth & Evisen Skateboards

Adidas Skateboarding partnered with one of Japans hottest skaters, Kotora Mitani of Tightbooth and Evisen Skateboards. I was asked to create a design system and animations for the video. I chose to use footage of a tiger roaring since Kotora means little tiger in Japanese along with footage we shot of Kotora himself. Below is a teaser video I cut for pre-release. Click the link below to watch the full skate film.